Munns Crumbs

“I always wondered why the makers leave housekeeping and cooking out of their tales. Isn’t it what all the great wars and battles are fought for – – so that at day’s end a family may eat together in a peaceful house?” -Ursula K. Le Guin

Food is a crucial part of everyone’s life. Everyone has to eat, everyday. Often I find myself quickly eating food just to fill the nagging emptiness in my stomach or to make sure I have the energy to approach whatever tasks or activites lay before me. But sometimes I take the time to plan, arrange, cook, present, and savor the food I eat. I think, the more of that, the better. If eating is such a big part of our lives, let’s make it count and let’s enjoy one another in the process.

This website is place to celebrate the things we eat and the people we eat with. Whether it’s an easy go-to meal on a cramped weekday evening, or a beautiful holiday feast, these are moments to cherish. Come and celebrate with me as I cook, eat, and experiment.